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IKEA- PC Based Digital Signage


ikea broken signIkea is the marmite of furniture stores.. people either love or loathe them. For me personally, I have moved from tolerating them to actually kind of enjoying the experience.. but thats the subject of another post.

On my last trip to IKEA in Wembley, North London I realised just how much IKEA have embraced technology to improve efficiency and market to customers.

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Selfridges Beauty Counter In-store LCD Panels

When it comes to in-store technologies the current vanguard is the use of in-store lcds.  One of my favourite usages is Selfridges Beauty counters.

Shopping Phase

1 . Activation

Works because: 

  1. Its a natural evolution of the static image based point of sale.  Replacing a static image of a model with a moving image of a model shot beautifully.
  2. Cheap to integrate – by building in a standard television lcd into the stand, you can incorporate enhanced content.
  3. Non- intrusive to the customer purchase experience.

Examples in Pictures

Chanel’s main beauty counter has a beautiful video lcd panel as the focus of their stand.

Nars liked the video lcd so much, they used 3 of them to welcome customers onto their stand.

nars lcd screen 2 nars lcd screen selfridges window